
22.02. 19:00 - 23.02. 00:00

Sordide + Curse All Kings + Manøver + Last Days of Burden

...präsentiert von FRATZE Konzerte...

Genres: raw black metal / ritual ambient / crust / sludge

Einlass: 20 Uhr // Beginn: 21 Uhr // AK: 20€

VVK: hier

MUSIK: Sordide // Curse All Kings // Manøver // Last Days of Burden

Wir freuen uns sehr, mit SORDIDE nun schon die zweite Band des La Harelle Kollektivs aus Rouen (F) präsentieren zu dürfen. Der Schlagzeuger Nemri war im Juni 2024 bereits mit Iffernet bei uns und im Mai 2025 spielt der Gitarist Nehluj mit seiner anderen Band Ataraxie bei uns. Irgendwo zwischen Raw Black Metal, Punk und Noise Rock findet das Trio seinen Platz und kreiert seit nunmehr neun Jahren eindrückliche Werke geprägt von authentischer Ausdrucksform.

"There is something extremely authentic and in the same time artistic about the style of Blackened Metal the trio has decided (or perhaps the style chose them?) to worship their philosophies with. In all it’s Rocking simplicity, there are so many different kinds of parts on this album, in each unique song, that one could find different categorisations for this stuff than I have." – Antti Mikonmaki, Adornement of the kings.

"The opener Ni nom ni drapeau seems to be something of a leitmotif for the band: they don’t need to tell their real names and fancy artwork, instead let their music do the talking. At first it sounds very raw, and that’s certainly the intention, but underneath all the noisy approach you will encounter musicians that are actually quite gifted, no matter how hard they try to hide it. This is unpolished, yet highly sophisticated under the surface, and will intrigue you for many hours." – Disagreement.net - February 2015

Zudem kommt nun ein Verbündeter vom Label breathsunboneblood endlich auf unsere Bühne: CURSE ALL KINGS, diesmal in (orignialer) Ein-Personen-Besetzung wird uns unter Wogen aus Black Metal und Ritual/Dark Ambient begraben.

"The sonic world created by Curse All Kings moves from almost inaudible ritualistic hums and murmurs, through patient and methodical ritual repetitions, into furious abstracted atmospheres of blackened noise and black metal. What few finger holds the organic drones and compositions offer in the quieter sections quickly burn away with searing guitar lines stretched, distorted and disfigured almost beyond recognition… Only hints, memories, and shadows remain. Pummeling doom drums and apocalyptic blast beats suggest movement and coherence, but that mask is quickly removed to show its true face of chaos and hopelessness. When the sonic themes and vocal offerings are more present, they are heartbroken and crushed by the weight of the world… trampled and cast aside. Yet within all of this insurmountable despair, there is a sense of beauty and hope. Like witnessing a hungry fox walk the filthy inner city streets at 4 AM.. It looks up at you, feral and defiant."

Die Münster Band MANØVER wird uns kräftig einheizen:

"Manøver is a raw Crust/Sludge steamroller three-piece from Münster, Germany. Low heavy riffs, grinding blasts, D-Beat and bleak antifascist and anti-war chants sum up the devastating noise to be experienced."

Der Abend wird eröffnet von LAST DAYS OF BURDEN, mit seiner Mischung aus Ritual Ambient, Drone und Post-Industrial.

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